Extraterrestrial Entities

Aliens might be here, and you should know them better.
There are so many alleged species of aliens known to men, that trying to describe them all would be a task of herculean proportions. Even though some sound unrealistic, and some have so many witnesses that their existence is difficult to deny, I wonder how many of them we actually don´t know.
Some think that to be sure that we are completely alone in this universe, would be impossibly self-centred, others, that believing in something so mysterious and unknown is simply a too big leap of faith, but one thing is certain. Aliens have been reported existing – in one way or another- since cave painting of pre-historic men, and are so deeply routed in the popular culture, that are difficult to ignore.
Among species, legends and tales, these are the ones that would almost be a crime not to know something about.
- Wildly recognised and reported all over the internet, the aliens that are known even to those who don´t believe in them: The Greys, appear to be the main characters of something less than 50% of reported alien interactions.
Despite their descriptive name, people who have come to interact with them depict them in a different range of colours (going from white, obviously passing through gray, to beige), but their defining characteristics are their black almond-shaped eyes, that do not present pupil nor iris, the lack of a proper muscular structure, their big heads and long arms.
Their height can range from three to four feet, their heads are bald, and their nose do not have any nostrils. Their ears appear to be unique too, meaning that they don´t have any, they have slits instead of human mouths, and only three or four fingers, thumb included!
Some say that they first became famous thanks to the novel “Communion” of one Whitley Strieber, written in 1987 and describing his own encounters with these beings, whist others blame it on the Roswell crash, in 1947, when a unprecedently seen vehicle fell from the sky in New Mexico. This spaceship was apparently drove by creatures that fit the description.
The alien species continued to make noise thanks to many famous encounters and abductions, one among many – and probably the most studied and publicly recognised- sees Barney and Betty Hill as its protagonists, whom, a few days after the abduction, in 1961, claimed to remember the occurrence and sought medical professional help. And the list goes on…
Common factors of these events are medical examinations of the abducted, who also claimed – in more than one case- to have seen human and Grey hybrids.
Despite the many information we have been able to scrape up on these aliens, one main central point remains quite the mystery: what do they want, and why do they keep visiting earth? Some say that their intentions are benevolent, and that during their encounters they have been able to emotionally connect with the Greys.
Others, instead, claim that their only purpose is to study humans, whom are viewed by the creatures as simple test subjects. Where the truth stands, we can´t possibly know. But the species has been accused of wiping up memories and implanting new ones, attempting mind control and using telepathy to communicate. Scariest among all: they are also said to be able to use their dark and deep eyes to subdue and control us humans.
- The Greens, or green humanoids, are one of the most controversial species when it comes to aliens. Even though there are a few cases involving abductions carried out by the Greens, most of the internet (and sources in general) seem to agree that they represent nothing more than the cultural stereotype of aliens.
There is one voice, though, that seems to disagree, and it belongs to R. L. Johannis, which affirmed, in 1947 – a few weeks after the Rosewell crash- to have witnessed one of the few exemplars of little green men. Even if he described the little fella as not that small, and not that green.
Apparently, the alien was more of an earthy-green shade, and was stuck on a mountain in the north-east of Italy, close enough to the well-known Venice, on his UFO. Quite literally, a flying red disk.
He also looked nothing like the Grays, seen in Roswell, and was wearing dark coloured overalls with some colourful details. Ninety centimetres tall, their pupils seemed like those of reptiles or felines: vertical and thin.
Other information given to us by the professor are that they had eight fingers in total, no joints, and were apparently very interested in his walking stick, so much as to proceed in immobilizing him to further analyse it.
After the short encounter, the green alien left on its spaceship, and he reported feeling a strong wind which forced him to roll over the mountain he was climbing.
Another famous-ish sighting of green humanoids was reported by some Argentinian children, but we are completely deprived of further information.
- Another very well-known species for insiders, maybe less if this is the first article you read about aliens, are Nordic ones, also called Pleiadian aliens. They are probably the most pleasant-looking aliens, as they resemble Scandinavian earth populations, and this is also why they are the least troubled species to walk among us.
They have red or blond hair and light-coloured eyes – ranging from blue to green shades- and some sources say they have no pupils, but wear contact lenses to better disguise among humans. They are also five to seven feet tall and appear to have no sense of smell whatsoever.
Physical features, though, are not their best quality, as they are widely known for being angelic creatures, who simply want to share messages of love, harmony and peace to humanity – we probably do need them-, and they don´t do it with abductions or contact, as previously discussed species, but in a much smoother way: telepathically or through dreams.
As already mentioned, their intentions are nothing but positive, even if some say that a fraction of them fell from the path of light and peace and became disruptive and evil. For most of them, though, spiritual evolution of humanity is a great concern, as they have also affirmed to some witnesses that our races are not that different, even though humans are at a lower level of development.
One of the most prominent cases of abduction – there is not many of them, as mentioned before- performed by this peaceful alien race, occurred to Travis Walton, in Arizona. Apparently, the man was working with his crew when a light beam made him unconscious. Walton then wrote a book, “The Walton Experience”, about his five days with the Nordic aliens, whom he described as tall, white skinned humanoids. The story hit the news so profoundly that a movie came out of it in 1993: “Fire in the Sky”
Rumours about another encounter involve an American President. Care to venture a guess?
It seems like President Eisenhower, in 1954, had a secret meeting with the aliens, who tried to convince him to disarm his nuclear missile program in exchange for advanced technology, as we know, unsuccessfully. It appears as the Nordic aliens tried to have our back once again, concerned by human wars. Instead, the President is said to have agreed to a second deal with the Greys, who allowed him to keep his nuclear weapons, and still gave him access to unknown technology.
Just rumours? Could be.
- Our last alien related characters are Men in Black, which, almost like in Will Smith´s movie, are supposed black-suited men who claim to be quasi-government agents, whose main task is to harass or threaten UFO witnesses to hide the truth and keep them silent.
Many witnesses, called conspiration theorists by the news worldwide, claim to have been intimidated by MIB, after publicly revealing details about their UFO encounters or sightings. This organization, which according to some is part of secret services, whilst to others is of alien origins, has been accused by multiple victims of working with the government to silence those who know the truth, and maybe can even prove it.
According to sources, the – plausible- reason of this, is that if the public knew about aliens, fear would be uncontrollable and with deadly repercussions, and the news would have unthinkable consequences on religion beliefs and laws all over the world.
The rumours about this secret organization particularly spread in 2016, after the inexplicable and mysterious deaths of two UFO researchers, one of which also claimed to have taken part, in his past, to a secret governmental project called “Super Humans”.
Which ones of these aliens – or semi-aliens – do you believe to be true? Have you ever experienced an encounter or a UFO sighting in your life? Feel free to tell us your story in the comments, hopefully we haven´t discouraged you by disclosing information about MIB.
Author Letizia
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